The Conference
Sub Themes
Ethics, leadership and civil society
Risk and crisis communication
Intercultural communication
Media and cultural identity
Integration and social change
Media literacy and new technology
Sustainable heritage
Global marketing communication
The Objectives
Discuss the changing landscapes in cultural heritage at local and international levels
Provide a platform for debates on various current issues related to selected sub themes
Encourage and promote the sharing of scientific research findings among scholars in media and communication both locally and internationally
Enhance networking among media and communication scholars, practitioners as well as industry players
Submission Guidelines
Journal Article
Chapters in book
Contributors can submit a book chapter based on the following theme or other related themes:
- Cultural Heritage and New Technology
- Strategy and Protection of Cultural Heritage
- Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Digital promotion on Cultural Heritage
- Artisan and Cultural Heritage Communities
- Role of technology and cultural preservation
- Sustainable heritage
Below are some of the general rules to writing a book chapter:
- The contributors of a book chapter should not exceed four writers.
- Each chapter should have 12 pages, excluding bibliography.
- The manuscript should be written in Times New Roman, size 12 and 1.5 spacing.
- The manuscript should have (1) Introduction, (2) Contents – main text, (3) Sub-heading of text, (4) Conclusion and (5) Bibliography
- Photographs, illustrations, tables and figures used must be properly captioned. It is the responsibility of the writer (s) to ensure that photographs and illustrations used are free from copyright.
- Manuscript submitted must be proofread and edited by the respective writer (s).
- Writer (s) must provide a short biography of not more than 100 words.
Download Materials
Presentation Template for iC-MAS2022
Please click here to download the presentation template for iC-MAS2022.
Presenters are advised to 'Save As' the file before editing the slides.
Guidelines for Online Presentation
Format / Size : MP4 / 20.507 Approx.
QR Codes for Q&A (Slido)
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QR Code for Dewan Serindit (Day 1)

QR Code for Dewan Mutiara (Day 2)

QR Code for Dewan Serindit (Day 2)

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ID Number: GB0005784A
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