Our Story

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) was officially incorporated on 24th December 1992. At the time, the Faculty of Language and Communication (FLC) was known as the Centre for Language Studies (CLS). CLS was established on the 1st December 1993 and played a major role in building am empowering the language skills of students as well as staff. Multiple courses for Malay, English and third languages were offered.
CLS continued to expand and was finally upgraded to Faculty of Language Studies and Communication Studies (FLSCS) in January 2016. It was later became known as the Faculty of Language and Communication (FLC) in July 2017.
FLC offers a full-time undergraduate level Linguistics Programme and received the first batch of students in the 2014/2015 session.
At the beginning of 2018, FLC offered full-time undergraduate programme – Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) with Honors. Intake for this new programme began with the first batch of students for the 2018/2019 session.
For the year 2019, FLC offer another new programme – Bachelor of Global English for Communication. Intake for this new programme begin with the first batch of students for the 2019/2020 sesion.
In total, FLC now offers three (3) undergraduate level programmes which are Linguistics, Strategic Communication and Global English for Communication.